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Showing posts with label Strong and brave.. Show all posts

Gibberish is the White House's New Normal

Gibberish is the White House’s New Normal

I do statement analysis of speeches, apologies and interrogations for the law enforcement and the media. Analyzing Trump's speeches, interviews and texts is incredibly interesting, because he often spouts half finished sentences and run on nonsensical sentences and gobeldy gook. This is a technique of a liar.

"But the problem is not just that Trump lies, or that he lies about having lied. The problem is not just that he distracts — for example, changing the subject from his entanglements with Russians to the leakers who leak stories about his entanglements with Russians. The problem is that he insinuates more than he argues. He disdains not only evidence but logic. He asserts by indirection. This is bubble-think. It makes a sort of sense only if you’re trapped in the bubble with him."  "He spatters the air with unfinished chunks, many of which do not qualify as sentences, and which do not follow from previous chunks. He does not release words into a stream of consciousness but into a heap." "It is a peculiar sort of derangement. It is the derangement of a man who is used to getting what he wants, and arranging his mental universe so as to convince himself that what he has gotten is what he wanted. His operating theory is that he makes things so because he is powerful. His power is such that he is not subject to laws of ordinary grammar."

45's speech patterns tell us what is wrong with him. 27 psychiatrists stand up and contribute their diagnosis in the book, 

The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President Hardcover – October 3, 2017

They say he is a sociopath and malignant narcissist. Read their insights below:

Take heart and find the people in your life that are good. Yes, there are motivated by selfishness in the world. But, there are people with integrity, acting with compassion all around you. Choose to be responsible and know your actions effect everyone you encounter. In your daily life choose integrity and kindness. Do your best to make those around you feel anchored and safe. 

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at