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Showing posts with label Seeding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Seeding. Show all posts

Seeding, Lie Seeding, Gossip, Talking Behind Someone's Back, Tool of Narcissists, Priming, Character Assassination. Smear Campaign.

Lying as a Tool of A Narcissists.

I speak on body language and how to deal with difficult people including Narcissists.

Seeding, Lie Seeding, Gossip, Talking Behind Someone's Back, Tool of Narcissists, Priming
Character Assassination Smear Campaign.

Narcissists, Sociopath and Psychopaths are void of true emotions so they must be fed by other peoples emotions.That is their supply. They play many games to gain supply including putting other people down and talking behind their backs to make themselves feel in control and superior. They love to gossip!  They may even make themselves look like kind helping people by saying, "That poor Sarah have you noticed how she has gained/lost weight?" "I am worried about her she seems depressed" Thus, they get to look like they are a normal concerned person, while manipulatively putting down someone else. Slowing the group that is seeded with such comments begins to look for anything amiss is the target and the unknowing target may feel the judgement and it effects their behavior creating a negative cycle game, to the amusement and sustenance of the sick attacker.

Narcissists, Sociopath and Psychopaths  have a false self, a mask that they present to the world.
Typically that Mask is of a Fine Upstanding Citizen, Good Morals, Married, Successful with the trapping of Success, beautiful spouse and children, big house. (Google Narcissists, Mask, False Self
 for more details." If that false image is threatened in any way they sick individual will attack their unmasked. They will seed/ prime the group ahead of this possible unmasking.

"Lie Seeding… the process of planting a few lies to inspire doubt on what is the real truth… unsubstantiated with any real evidence to back the claims… spread for a purpose to make it seem that what is TRUTH is really lies.  To mess with your mind. 

Lie seeding… is the practice of planting lies (if you don’t understand a lie is unsubstantiated gossip with no proof you have bigger issues) by spreading rumors to your friends and those closest to you… to HURT you in some way.  It’s not new… it’s been going on since high school…  I pity those who practice this… I also will not be your victim.  If you want to do this… or believe in anything that is said by those who perpetrate it… stay away from me.  I have much better things to do with my time than put up with it.

If you’re the victim of “lie seeding”… just clear out your so-called friends account… and find people who will take you as you are… with all the faults… and still thing more highly of you than what people will say behind your back when spreading lies.  There will always be someone saying something about you without a shred of proof… it’s life.  What you can do… is take your power back and not stay in their world." 

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at

Empaths, The Perfect Targets for Psychopaths and Malignant Narcissist's Supply. Character Assignation, Smear Campaing.

Psychopaths and Malignant Narcissists do not have normal emotions. They are deep dark voids of emptiness. They search for "Narcissistic supply" to feed their void. Their main "supply" comes from healthy individuals. They particularly love highly emotional Empaths. They will feed of an Empaths positive emotions and once bored will abuse the Empath to get negative emotions. They will typically have a secondary source of supply in other lovers and tertiary supply of groups/ family members. 

At some point a healthy target will see the Psychopath/Narcissists for who they really are. The Psychopath/Narcissists has prepared for this. It has happened to them before. Psychopath/Narcissists false self image/mask is everthinging to them. They must destroy anyone who knows them for who they truly are. So the target typically becomes the victim of a smear campaign/character assassination to eject them from the group/family so the Psychopath/Narcissist can continue to gain supply from the group. In fact, they may even get more supply if they are successful in their character assassination as their victim is made to appear like someone who did them harm and the Psychopath/Narcissists gains the sympathy of the group. They have planned for this by grooming the group long before they assassinate the character of the victim/target. They have 'seeded" (see "seeding", "lie seeding") the group with negative information about the target and primed them gifting them dinners, entry into exclusive parties, clubs, vents, trips, jobs. (Think Harvey Weinstein.) T. If the group allows the Narcissist/Psychopath to get away with attacking the victim/target and let them stay in the group looking the other way they show the attacker their bad behaviors will be tolerated. 
The group becomes their tertiary supply and they will create drama in the group to feed them often by triangulating group members pitting them against each other. The Psychopath/Narcissist craves a main source of supply and will search for another lover/Empath. If the group gives them no supply, no drama the Narcissists will disappear from the group when they find them and only reappearing if they lose the lover/Empath.


If you truly want to understand how smart warm wonderful women are targets of Psychopaths read the research of Sandra Brown:

“The seminal aspect of the research was in detecting these women's unique and astounding elevated 'super traits' of temperament, personality strengths and weaknesses. These proved to be an amazingly compatible match for the strengths and weaknesses of a psychopath and brought a natural 'balance' to the honeymoon aspects of the relationship.”

“While the uncovering of her innate traits and conditioned behaviors explained much about this dangerous relationship and has brought huge intellectual and emotional relief to the victims, it does not seem to have gone very far in modifying the public misperceptions about psychopaths or their victims. On a recent radio show, after describing the huge elevation of some of the victim's temperament traits and explaining how it could affect her patterns of selection and even tolerance in these relationships, the host said, "That's a crock of crap! You're telling me that a few temperament traits can do that? I don't believe it. She picked him, she stayed, she needs to own it and she was probably abused as a child." These simplistic answers are what have been, and continue to be, at the core of the abysmal lack of public psychopathology education.”

“As mentioned, my research has revealed that women who love psychopaths (and other Cluster B personality disordered individuals) possess rather unique and extraordinary 'super traits' of temperament that make them the perfect target/victim of the psychopath. While the following does not cover all of her traits, these were the ones most highly elevated and were thus likely contributing factors:

Here is the research by Sandra Brown on what psychopaths look for in a romantic partner:
§  Extraversion and excitement seeking (Psychopaths are also extraverts and excitement seekers.)  In other words, these women started out being the least dependent types on the planet!
§  Deep Investment in all relationships (The victim gives great emotional, spiritual, physical, financial investments in any of her relationships, not just the intimate ones.)
§  Sentimentality
§  Attachment – Deep bonding capacity (She has a deep bonding capacity.)
§  Competitiveness – stand ground – not codependent (She is not likely to be run out of relationships – she will stand her ground.  Again, not the co-dependent type at all.)
§  Low Harm Avoidance – does not expect to be hurt (She doesn’t expect to be hurt, sees others through who she is.  In other words, not a person looking to recreate an abusive relationship of childhood.  In fact, more often than not, these women were never exposed to abuse of any kind as children.)
§  Cooperation
§  Higher Empathy – can be genetic
§  Responsibilty and Re

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at