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Showing posts with label Santorm on CPR Comments. Santorum Did Not Apologize. How to Make A Good Apology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Santorm on CPR Comments. Santorum Did Not Apologize. How to Make A Good Apology. Show all posts

Santorm On CPR Comments ... Santorum Did Not Apologize... How To Make A Good Apology

As you know I am a Media coach and prep executives for their media interviews and I analyze apology statements for the media. This is NOT an apology statement. He uses a deception technique of changing the definition of a softer word “misspoke” in stead of saying he made a mistake.
So he uses an inappropriate term to describe his actions. “ I misspoke using the term CPR... I should have talked about school security.” That is not misspeaking. He knows what CPR means and he was telling teenagers to learn to do it, and use it on their friends to deal with their gunshot wounds.
He should have said but didn’t.
“I messed up, I should not have said that teenagers should learn CPR and use it on gun shot victims."
 "I realize now that would be absurd, and I apologize for saying it." Then if he felt like making another point he should have said what I feel strongly about is that we need to make our schools safer with stronger security to guard our children." 

Patti Wood, MA - The Body Language Expert. For more body language insights go to her website at Check out Patti's website for her new book "SNAP, Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language and Charisma" at